If you're right, do not be too bold and
if you're scared, do not be too scared.
Because balance is a determinant of attitude
accuracy of your success journey
Our job is not to succeed. Our task
is to try, because in trying to
that we discover and learn to build
chance to succeed
You just close to them who you are
liked. And you often avoid people
otherwise you do not like, but from him
You will recognize the new viewpoint
Only people who can dare to be afraid, because
courage is doing something
feared. So, if feel afraid, you will
have the opportunity to be brave
Capable of defeating the greatest power
stress is the ability to choose which thoughts
appropriate. You will be more peaceful if the
you think are way out of trouble.
Do not ever tear down a fence without knowing
why was founded. Never abandon
guidance without knowing the goodness of badness
then you can
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