Since long time I did not buy this drink. Only yesterday was finally able to buy it. Ice Green bananas are native beverages typical of Ujung Pandang, is the most delicious drink when enjoyed during hot weather. It turned out that makes it very easy, even we can make it yourself at home with family. If you are interested, here's how to create a Green Banana Ice:
Cuisine Category: Beverages
Estimated Preparation Time: 45 minutes
Presented To: 5 People
40 grams of rice flour
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
300 ml water
Suji leaves 100 ml water
3 drops of green dye
175 grams of rice flour
5 old banana king
shaved ice
red syrup
650 ml coconut milk (raw sauce)
Tepungh 50 grams of flour (raw sauce)
75 grams of sugar (raw sauce)
1 pandan leaves (raw sauce)
1 / 4 teaspoon salt (raw sauce)
How to Treat:
- Stir the rice flour, salt, water, water suji leaf, green dye and boiled while stirring until boiling, remove from heat.
- Add rice flour, mix well and stir again until smooth (not sticky). Tipiskan dough, balutkan in banana shut.
- Steam the bananas for 20 minutes. Remove and set aside.
- Boil the sauce ingredients to a boil, then lift the freeze.
- Diced green bananas, pour the sauce, shaved ice, and red syrup.
recipes sampled from http://www.resepkita.com/detailResep.asp?recId=38
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