A line of words from the verses in ataslah GOD Almighty who made 2 kinds of people on this earth. Men and women. Excerpted from the Boy records of "70 The nature of man" that "guy really think that she is strange and can not figure out but still love them more than she loved him". Men with their logic and different from women with feelings puzzle that is difficult to predict, like some romance novels that often they read. Like a novel model that went down their conscious mind, giving them an example to always play their feelings before they reached the destination.

Women, too, the puzzle feelings sometimes make the language look unfold. More play on the feelings and moods that often makes him unable to make a woman melogikakan mind. If the woman's "cubic puzzle" men need some time to put them together. But if he was "cubic puzzle" women only need a fraction of time to throw it away.
Hahahaha ..... It'll be no shortage after all .... after all it was the will of the Almighty. There must be some reason why man is created in pairs. The man with the logic of violence and stiffness must be melted with the feelings and tenderness of women. Similarly, women with a puzzle feelings, he also would have to faithfully re-assembling it.
Some excerpts from several books (Single Men Are Like Waffles, Single Women Are Like Spaghetti by Bill & Pam Farrel; Lounann Female Brain by Brizendine) about the differences of women and men:
1. Cave man, woman gramophon. That is, if he was a problem, hiding away like a cave, while women often used the words. Brizendine research proves that women use about 20,000 words a day, while men only 7000 words.
2. He was like a wafer, a woman like noodles. Kalau berpikir, If you think, he was pleased mengotak-boxing issue. He handles a box first, just after the next box. How to think women can relate to each other and twisted like a noodle.
3. He was like a shell, a woman like a crowbar. Once there was a problem he immediately pulled away like a closed shell, while women like to open with a question that sometimes makes him even more annoyed.
4. He was like a rubber band, she was like a wave. When a problem comes blocking, he can back and forth like a rubber band. he could read the situation when to advance and when to retreat back. Women are like waves. If you're happy emotions went up and did something spectacular. However, so offended, he could pull himself back into the deep sea.
5. He was like a bucket, she was as well. When conversing with someone else, he tried to attract as many as possible of ekuntungan interlocutor. While women like to give views and opinions without being asked.
6. He was like a hero, a woman like a singer. Life was very precious man if he felt needed someone else. That is why, the unemployed man desperate easier than women who are unemployed. Women instead marasa appreciated and respected if his voice heard.
7.Men like superhero, a woman like a supermodel. The man was very proud if he could help many people, while wantia feel very happy if every eye looking at him with admiration. ^ _ ^!
Examined by Professor in psychology from the University of California, Richard Haier, this research together with colleagues at the University of New Mexico. They found that men were 6.5 times more likely to use gray tissue associated with general knowledge, when compared to women. While women 10 times more use of white tissue associated with the knowledge, when compared with men.
"These findings show human evolution has created two different types of brains designed for equally intelligent behavior," Haier said. He also continued the research with gender as the basis of this behavior has the potential to help research on mental illness and other cognitive diseases that occur in the brain.
The results of this study may help explain why there division of tasks between men and women. For example, men tend to be better at things that play is more focus on logic and limited, such as mathematics. While women were better at it and menyampurkan integrate various distributed information gray tissue in the brain, such as language ability.
Hopefully useful mate ... learn the philosophy was fun, too well, between reality and virtual ^ ^
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hohoho makasih cal...pertamax ne kamu ^_^>
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