Allah Almighty who has created it so that we can think, socialize, communicate and remember everything that has happened you passed.
The brain collects information received from the eyes, nose, ears, skin, mouth, etc.. and conclude. Who did this inference is a combination of 100 billion nerve cells in your brain. These cells worked incessantly and lets you see the color of apple you eat, recognize your good friend's voice, and feel the smell of chocolate.
Intelligence is the hope, desire and needs of all people. Brains are basically supported by one's ability to maximize the brain's own work, so the brain can absorb the information received to be stored in the memory of the brain. By maximizing the brain works, means that we maximize our brain capacity. Capacity and performance of our brain is more powerful than the solar system. Based on research, human life is only about 20% capacity of the brain that is used, the other 80% is unknown. This indication reinforces the link between depression and dementia by optimizing our brain. Seeing the ability and capacity extraordinary brain, naturally there is a statement that no man is stupid. Ignorance is implicated by laziness. That is, people who do not feel smart, not really stupid, but lack the ability to maximize performance and brain.
With the human brain can control the mind. Thus the importance of the influence of reason for humans. And the Rahman and her womb, given the sense that human beings become a noble creature, a creature best, as mentioned God in His Word:
"Verily We created man in the form of the best but then we return it to where the lowest. (Attin paragraphs 4 and 5).
Intellect is also supported and equipped with a means of supporting the hearing, sight and hearts so that they are grateful. The sentence contained in surah Al Mukminun paragraph 78:
"It is He Who has created for you all hearing, sight, and hearts. Little you are grateful".
It's time we start now ... grateful thanks to what we feel but do not exist in our bodies ... The spirit is always up to you in the next article ... ^ _ ^> Bravo
quoted from various sources
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