Batik is historically derived from ancestral times, known since the seventeenth century, written and painted on palm leaves. At that time batik motif or pattern is still dominated by the form of animals and plants. But in the history of batik development evolved, namely from painting motifs of animals and plants gradually turn to an abstract pattern that resembles a cloud, temple reliefs, wayang beber and so on. Next through the merger of the painting style of clothing decorated with art, batik art emerged as we know it today.
The type and style of traditional batik quite so much, but the pattern and variations in accordance with the philosophy and culture of each region are very diverse. The cultural treasures of this rich Indonesia has led to the birth of batik style and types of specialties tradisioanal with their own characteristics.

History of batik in Indonesia related to the development of the kingdom of Majapahit kingdom and beyond. In some records, the development of batik is often committed in times of Mataram kingdom, then in the kingdom of Solo and Yogyakarta.
Art is the art of batik on fabric image for clothing that was one of the family culture of Indonesian kings of old. Batik initially done only in a limited course and outcome palace for the king and the family clothing and his followers. Because many of the followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was taken by them out of court and be done in place of each.
In the development of batik art gradually imitated by the people of this and the next nearest extends to the work of women in the household to fill his spare time. Furthermore, batik clothing was only the royal family, then became a popular folk clothes, both women and men.
White fabric that is used when it is woven themselves. Medium coloring materials used consist of native plants homemade Indonesia among others, from: mengkudu tree, tall, Soga, indigo, and flat materials made from soda ash, as well as salts made from mud.
So this batik in Indonesia has been known since the days of the Majapahit kingdom and continue to grow until the next kingdom. The start spreading this batik art belongs to the people of Indonesia and Java in particular tribe is after the end of the eighteenth century or early nineteenth century. Produced batik batik is all until the early twentieth century and printed batik is known only after the world war was over unity or around the year 1920. Now batik has become part of traditional Indonesian clothing.
Different types of Batik
1. Batik Kraton
Batik Kraton awal mula dari semua jenis batik yang berkembang di Indonesia. Motifnya mengandung makna filosofi hidup. Batik-batik ini dibuat oleh para putri kraton dan juga pembatik-pembatik ahli yang hidup di lingkungan kraton. Pada dasarnya motifnya terlarang untuk digunakan oleh orang “biasa” seperti motif Parang Barong, Parang Rusak termasuk Udan Liris, dan beberapa motif lainnya.

2. Batik Sudagaran
Motif ban from the palace to stimulate artists from the merchant to create a new motive to taste the merchant community. They also change the ban so that the motive motive can the public use. Sudagaran batik designs are generally impressed with "brave" in the election form, stilisasi of natural objects or animals, or a combination of colors that dominated Soga color and dark blue. Batik Sudagaran in the process of presenting the quality of workmanship and the complexity of presenting the new decoration. Creator Sudagaran change batik batik-palace with Isen Isen complex and filled with cecek (spots) that create the most beautiful batik.

3. Batik Petani
Batik is created as a distraction activity housewife at home when not to go to the fields or during leisure time. This batik is usually rough and awkward and not smooth. Hereditary motive as their respective regions and batik unprofessionally done because only a sideline. For any coloring opted to merchants.

4. Batik Belanda
Dutch citizens who are interested in a lot of Indonesian batik. They create their own motifs favored Europeans. Motive of European flowers, like tulips and motives figures famous fairy tale there.

5. Batik Jawa Hokokai
During the Japanese occupation in the northern coast of Java was born variety called batik batik Hokokai. The dominant motif is flowers like cherry blossoms and chrysanthemums. Almost all wore Hokokai Javanese batik background (Isen, Isen) a very detailed like machetes and kawung motif in the center and the edges are filled again, for example, rice flower motifs.

Hopefully some info on the above can make us more loving culture of Indonesia
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